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What to bring: 

·     Your Bible--you'll be using it frequently.
·       Comfortable clothing (shorts, swimsuit, etc.). Please choose one-piece bathing
suits and other modest attire.
·     All your bedding:  pillows, sheets, blanket
·     Towels and washcloths
·     Toiletry articles:  soap, shampoo, etc.
·     Recreational equipment:  softball glove, basketball etc.
·     All your enthusiasm and a sunny disposition.
What not to bring: cell phones, snacks, or water guns!


Camp Kicklighter Rules:
1.  All campers are expected to remain for the entire camp.  No camper should have access to his/her personal vehicle at camp.
2. The only visitors will be those approved by the Camp Director.
3. No one, including the counselors, can leave without special arrangements with the Camp Director.
4. Cabins are off limits to members of the opposite sex.
5. There will be no unsupervised swimming.
6. No food or drinks are allowed in the cabins.
7. Lights will be out at the time scheduled.  All campers and counselors will remain in their cabins after "lights out".
8. All campers will observe the camp schedule and will be in their places at the appointed time.
9. Outgoing and incoming telephone calls should be for emergencies only.  Social calls are a great inconvenience.  No camper or counselor should use the telephone without permission from the Camp Director.
10. Possession of the following items (or related items) are prohibited:  intoxicating beverages, tobacco in any form, vaping instruments, illegal drugs, firearms, knives, harmful objects, shaving cream other than for shaving.  Please also note that cell phones, ipods, and other technological devices are also prohibited.

11. Every camper and counselor is responsible for maintaining and cleaning the camp facilities. There should be no marring or defacing of camp property (walls, bunks, etc.).  Repair of any damage will be paid for by the person(s) responsible for the damage.
12. The Camp Director, after consultation with the Outdoor Ministry Coordinator, has the authority to expel any camper for any form of misconduct that warrants expulsion.  Should this action become necessary, the local pastor and the parent or guardian will be notified immediately by phone. Parents, guardians, or local pastors will be responsible for transportation.

Donations accepted:
Camp fees
Fresh fruit and vegetables
Pre-packaged snacks
Volunteers (can send in applications)

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