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Sunflowers are beautiful flowers that start off as tiny sprouts. The reason sunflowers are called "Sunflowers" is because they follow the sun.  The sun rises in the east, the sunflower will point to the east. The sun sets in the west, and the flowers will point west. These flowers throw off a lot of seeds.They are productive because they are always looking for the sun. They always locate the s-u-n and because they are always looking for the s-u-n , they're always growing. 

​When you and I look for the S-O-N like the sunflower looks for the s-u-n, then we will find the effects of His rays softening our hearts so we can throw off new seeds in someone’s life. It is our response to the Word that determines our productivity. Living in the reflection of the S-O-N will result in a transformed life and a growth that many Christian are looking for.

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Bro Stuart Bland, Pastor
(912) 237-7188 (Call or Text)

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